Peace Haven




Pastor Kris and Joyce Kramer

Mission Association: Peace Haven Ministries

Mission Location: Camano Island, WA

Mission Focus: As a pastor of three Village Missions churches, the last one being Camano Chapel, Pastor Kris, and his wife Joyce, serve as the Peace Haven Directors. The focus of Peace Haven Ministries is to serve pastors and missionaries in need. One way they do this is by providing two houses here on Camano Island for pastors and missionaries to come for rest and renewal, free of charge. Returning Camano Chapel Missionaries on sabbatical can stay at the Rest Haven house. Also, Peace Haven Ministries provides counseling, ministry coaching, and financial help for Village Missionaries (who serve rural churches of North America).

Ministry Goal: To provide encouragement to pastors and missionaries

Birthday: Joyce - January 14 / Kris – March 8

Email: [email protected]

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867 S. West Camano Drive, Camano Island, WA 98282

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

360-387-7202 | Contact Us

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