Camano Chapel Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten is an integral part of the church with a planned curriculum. Its purpose is to help the children value themselves and each other in a positive manner and to start them on a lifetime enjoyment of learning. The 2025-2026 schedule will run from September through Mid-June.


Teacher: Becky Vargas, (425) 422-5074

  • Classes meet Monday/Thursday and alternating Wednesdays OR Tuesday/Friday and alternating Wednesdays from 9am - 1pm.
  • The student must be 4 years old by September 1st of the year they are enrolling.
  • Cost is $180 per month with a $130 registration fee. 
  • You may also do Monday through Friday for $340 per month.


Teacher: Shannon Stevenson, 425-905-4606

  • Classes meet Monday/Wednesday/Thursday.
  • The student must be 3 years old by September 1st of the year they are enrolling.
  • Classes run from 9:00 - Noon
  • Cost is $180 per month plus a $130 registration fee.


Teacher: Jamie Whitney (425)-220-0910

  • Monday-Friday from 9am to 1pm
  • The student enrolled must have had one year of Pre-K experience or will be 5 by December 31 (of the year they are enrolling) - 6 years old.
  • cost $340 per month with a $130 registration fee.
camano chapel white logo

867 S. West Camano Drive, Camano Island, WA 98282

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

360-387-7202 | Contact Us

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