The death of a loved one ushers in great emotion for families, not to mention added details associated with carrying out final wishes and arrangements. In the shock of grief, planning a memorial or celebration of life service to honor and celebrate loved ones who have passed away can feel overwhelming. Camano Chapel wants to help you during these difficult times by providing support, comfort, and help in designing a meaningful service.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I start the process of having a memorial service?

A: Camano Chapel pastors desire to help you plan your loved one's service, whether it's held at Camano Chapel or another location. To begin the process of planning your loved one's service call (360) 387-7202 or email, and we will schedule to meet with you as soon as possible.

In advance of meeting with us things to consider are as follows: 

  • Preferred service dates and times
  • Anticipated number of guests attending
  • Anticipated family seating needs
  • Preferred memorial recipients

Optional service elements to consider are as follows:

  • Faith Story/Obituary
  • Prelude/Postlude music
  • Congregational song(s)
  • Scripture(s)
  • Special or recorded music
  • DVD or slideshow

Q: Are there costs to the family associated with Memorials or Celebration of Life for the family?

A: At Camano Chapel, there are no costs associated with use of the facilities. There are, however, suggested honorariums for some roles associated with these services.

Additional questions can be directed to the Memorial Host or one of the pastors.

May God give you His comfort and strength.