Why Baptism?

Christian baptism is a response by submission to the authority of Jesus Christ in a person’s life.

Christian baptism is a command to be obeyed. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Christian baptism symbolizes the new birth by which one becomes a new creature in Christ. It symbolizes the beginning of the new life.
(John 3:1-4; 1 Peter 3:21; 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Christian baptism symbolizes the cleansing from sin, a washing away of the old. (Acts 22:16)

Christian baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and also of the Christian, the new convert. (Romans 6:3; Colossians 2:12)

Steps To Being Baptized:
Communicate your desire to be baptized by marking the "box" on the Connection Card (located on the side of the black offering boxes in the back of the worship center), fill out the form below, or call the church office.

If you're in elementary school, middle school or high school you will be asked to meet with your youth leader: Bo Steele or Cessy Dillon. This time together will answer all your questions and prepare you for your baptism.

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867 S. West Camano Drive, Camano Island, WA 98282

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

360-387-7202 | Contact Us

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