Halililo Family




Osi & Jennifer Halililo

Our life work here in the village of Lafalafa, in the Kingdom of Tonga is dynamic and growing just like the youth God has called us to reach!  Officially 'Osi is a Staff member for the Discipleship Training School on the Youth With A Mission University of the Nations Tonga campus where we live.  This school is 3 months of intense Bible and Discipleship training in the classroom, then 3 months of outreach where we and the students put our faith in action through community service and evangelism.  Jennifer spends most of her exciting day caring for our 3 young boys, and enjoying fellowship with other Tongan Mom's.  But ultimately we're not about PROGRAMS but about PEOPLE, God has called to to just love on everyone we see.  So we're constantly on call as people are dropping by for fellowship, food, prayer, Bible study, advice, and a good laugh....

Mission Name:
Youth With A Mission

Mission Focus:
Discipling young Christians, teaching them to know God and make Him known.


Mission Goal:
To help bring spiritual revival to this next generation of Tongan youth, teaching them to resist the temptations of the world and surrender their lives completely to Christ.  Also, helping them to recognize God's voice, and have a relationship with Him as a friend and a Father.


Wedding Anniversary: January 29th, 2009


Osi: February 13
Jennifer: September 27th
Isaac: December 5th
Kesomi Allan: October 1
James: April 6, 2014


Email:[email protected]

Fakao'si Halalilo
c/o University of the Nations/YWAM Tonga
private bag 62
Nuku 'alofa
Kingdom of Tonga, South Pacific

Phone: 676-7733410

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867 S. West Camano Drive, Camano Island, WA 98282

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

360-387-7202 | Contact Us

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