Mission Association: Teach Beyond and Vereinigte Deutsche Missionshilfe vdm.org (for donors from Germany.)
Mission Focus: We believe that education is an effective catalyst bringing hope to individuals and positive transformation to societies. We follow our Lord Jesus Christ by engaging with the needs of this world – physical, relational, and spiritual. Our teachers use their skills and contexts to bring light and healing to all – children, adults, leaders and mission workers alike.
Mission Goals:
Todd is a counselor at Cornerstone Counseling Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which primarily serves global Christian workers throughout Asia as well as the people of Thailand. They provide confidential and professional counseling, consultation, and training from a Christian perspective for individuals, marriages, families, teams, and organizations. http://ccfthailand.org/
Todd also preaches at different venues and does training and workshops around important mental health topics for both expatriates and Thai people.
Debbie is consulting for Freedom Resource International: https://www.freedomresource.org/
June 15, 1991
Todd - May 19, 1964
Debbie - October 21, 1968
Tyler - January 15, 1997
Ian - December 20, 1998
Joya - April 25, 2001
Seth - August 7, 2002
Mercy - August 15, 2005
Levi - February 6, 2007
Gracelyn - January 11, 2009
[email protected]
[email protected]
Giving Page: https://www2.teachbeyond.org/support/kramlichs
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867 S. West Camano Drive, Camano Island, WA 98282
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.